We will also send you a notification when the payment confirmation message has been delivered successfully or if it fails, along with any customer replies. This will provide you with improved control and visibility into the payment process.

      "phone": "+573155555555",
      "title":"Renta PAZCNTPDG0 mes mayo",
      "payment_link":"https://wa.me/+573000000000?text=Pagar ref: 99a337b3-3a7d-4e0b-b5ea-7098b562d4dd",
      "message_status": "delivered",
         "email": "[email protected]",
   "message": {
      "direction": "outbound",
      "to": "+573000000000",
      "event": "sent|replied|delivered|failed|read",
      "pressed": "pay_now|pay_latter|report_problem"

Payment Statuses

  • payment.message.delivered
  • payment.message.failed
  • payment.message.replied

Message event types

  • sent
  • replied
  • delivered
  • failed
  • read

Passed button

It only appears when message status is replied the possible variations can be

  • pay_now
  • pay_latter
  • report_problem